Legal notice
Adelbrecht Immobilien
Langestr. 75
D-76530 Baden-Baden
Phone: +49 (0) 172 / 21 48 714
Owner: Yvonne Adelbrecht
All contributions and illustrations on are protected by copyright. They are published only with the permission of the relevant rights holders.
The rights of use for the image data on this website have been clarified and publication takes place with the kind permission of the respective rights holders. For details, see also photo credits.
Electronic storage, forwarding by e-mail, any utilisation outside the limits set by copyright law is not permitted without the consent of Adelbrecht Immobilien.
Copyright by Adelbrecht Immobilien, Deutschland/Germany.
All rights reserved.
Adelbrecht Immobilien accepts no liability for the content of external links, despite the most careful control of content. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Adelbrecht Immobilien hereby expressly distances itself from all content of all linked pages.
Responsible according to §6 MDStV: Yvonne Adelbrecht (address as above)
Image rights
Picture material used by picture agencies for the website is marked with the name of the agency and the copyright holder in the picture properties of the respective picture. The image rights are not transferable to third parties. If labelling in the image is not possible, the image rights are listed below: Own photos, istockphoto - Nikada
All image rights have been checked and/or paid for and demonstrably acquired.
Icons made by
LIQUID-ARTWORK Baden-Baden - Werbeagentur für Grafikdesign und Webdesign
Blumenweg 2
76534 Baden-Baden